Monday, March 2, 2015

Daily: Macro 10,000 hours

We just recently had a great guest speaker at Stevens-Henager College from Disney Interactive. His name was Geoff Shupe and he is a Senior Concept Artist. His presentation was amazing and was very relevant across the board, but especially to my art students. There were quite a few great take aways, simply because it was just so great. My biggest take away was a number, 10,000 hours. That is the number of hours you need to perfect your craft, to get where you need to be to have "arrived" with the exception that when you actually have "arrived" then you're dead in the water. It got me thinking about how much I need to keep working on my photography, so here goes. I'm going to attempt to do a photo journal, where I take at least one interesting photo every day. Here is Day One.

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